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Our Mission

We believe that natural products are at their best when they remain untouched. For that reason, we keep our honey 100% raw, unfiltered, and never heated above body temperature. This protects the natural enzymes that others often destroy by overheating during the bottling process. Our family has been beekeepers for over thirty years and in that time we have learned how important the bees are for everyone. We are so glad to be able to give people the most natural raw honey right out of our hives.


“We don’t make the honey, the bees do. We just do our best to protect it."


Our Products

Photo Mar 23, 6 35 52 AM.jpg
Old World Candles - Honey Infused Beeswax Candles Coming Soon!

Old World Candles - Honey Infused Beeswax Candles!